Thursday, July 12, 2007

OpenMoko finally here

So they really got first developer versions of OpenMoko device Neo1973 for sale. I'm about to purchase one of these very soon.

After reading specs and documentation I found this device even more better. The developer version of Neo1973 will include:
  • Neo1973 (GTA01B_v4)
  • Battery
  • Stylus
  • Headset
  • AC Charger
  • Phone Pouch
  • Lanyard
  • SanDisk 512MB MicroSD Card
  • Mini USB Connectivity Cable
There's also available advanced package but I'm not currently intrested about it. But the final (sales) version of Neo1973 sounds even more better, it'll will have WiFi, Graphics accelerator and 2 accelometers. I think I must buy it as well when it will be available.

While waiting for the device I've been playing with OpenMoko system in QEMU. It seems quite slowish but can't yet say anything about the speed on the device. Here's a little video capture (sorry about the wrong aspect ratio):

So now waiting for getting the device on my hands to be able to tell more about it...

P.S. Nokia N800 got updated software and is running now Skype. Works fine but unfortunately it's closed software. However nice move...

Saturday, July 07, 2007

GPL version 3

Recently Free Software Foundation released the final GNU General Public License version 3. What that does really mean?

First of all many software says it uses version 2 or NEWER. The key word is the later one because user may choose which version to use. Is there going to be two branches of one software, one for version 2 and one for the 3rd one? Ok, that might be a problem. However there's still some software which insist to use version 2 only. On of these are the Linux kernel. It will be version 2 unless something else is decided...

Also version 3 defines that some vendors can't any more lock their devices to use only the official binary provided by them. Vendors must now allow customized code to be flashed or uploaded to the device and not to lock it on any way. Sounds fair.

Secondly software patents are not allowed. This prevents deals which Microsoft has made lately with some Linux providers. It will be interesting to see the real affect. For now on we must only speculate.

Generally the GPL version 3 is good thing, but people should take a little bit careful with it at first. The future will tell what comes.

P.S. First developer versions of OpenMoko based phone Neo1973 will be available since 9th of July. I'll be waiting for it...